Supporting you in creating aN informed  & confident experience

At Modern Mama, we understand that motherhood can be both a joyous and challenging journey.

That's why we offer a range of services designed to provide you with the support, education, and community you need to navigate this incredible new phase of life with confidence and peace.

No matter where you are on your journey to motherhood, our services are designed to empower you with knowledge and confidence. We’ll be here to support you every step of the way.


Mega Babe Package

Complete Pregnancy & Birth Doula Support

This option is tailored for the mama who recognizes the importance of having a dedicated birth doula by your side throughout your journey into motherhood. Whether you're planning for a natural birth or a scheduled c-section, my goal is to ensure you feel informed and empowered as you navigate the unpredictable journey of birth.


Mega Babe Package

Complete Pregnancy & Birth Doula Support

This option is tailored for the mama who recognizes the importance of having a dedicated birth doula by your side throughout your journey into motherhood. Whether you're planning for a natural birth or a scheduled c-section, my goal is to ensure you feel informed and empowered as you navigate the unpredictable journey of birth.


Empowerment Elite Package

Pregnancy Education & Birth Planning

This package is designed for mamas seeking comprehensive one-on-one pregnancy support and education + birth planning. It's perfect for those who want to feel fully prepared and informed as they navigate labor, birth, and early motherhood.


Empowerment Elite Package

Pregnancy Education & Birth Planning

This package is designed for mamas seeking comprehensive one-on-one pregnancy support and education + birth planning. It's perfect for those who want to feel fully prepared and informed as they navigate labor, birth, and early motherhood.


Mama's essentials Package

Birth Planning Support

This package is perfect for the mama who has already put in a lot of effort researching and preparing on their own, but is looking for some personalized support with their birth planning. It's also great the mama who is welcoming their second or third baby and could use a little extra guidance.


Mama's essentials Package

Birth Planning Support

This package is perfect for the mama who has already put in a lot of effort researching and preparing on their own, but is looking for some personalized support with their birth planning. It's also great the mama who is welcoming their second or third baby and could use a little extra guidance.




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Ready to take the next step in your motherhood journey?

Click one of the options below to book a free consultation:


birth coaching

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birth doula services

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frequently asked questions:

What is a doula & why hire a doula?

A doula is there to support you physically & emotionally during your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Think of your doula as your pregnancy and birth coach. By providing information, resources, and guidance, your doula will help you make informed decisions throughout your journey into motherhood. Your doula is a part of your birth team, and works alongside your partner and your providers.

When should you hire a doula?

Most mamas start interviewing doulas during their 2nd trimester. The sooner you hire someone, the more support you can receive. That being said, it’s never too late to hire a doula either – I’ve been hired at 39 weeks!

What is not included in doula support?

A doula does not make decisions for you. Doulas are not medical professionals & cannot diagnose medical conditions.

What can I expect once I hire you as my birth doula? 

As your doula, my goal is for you to be informed so you feel empowered to make decisions during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Every family is different in their needs and birth preferences, so we will figure out together what’s the right path for you – judgment free.